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About Y-Cleaner

Y-Cleaner can clean unneeded files, settings, and Registry entries for web browsers and many installed applications on your system, as well as Windows features.

Y-Cleaner is a small, effective utility for computers running Microsoft Windows that cleans out the 'junk' that accumulates over time: temporary files, broken shortcuts, and other problems. Y-Cleaner protects your privacy. It cleans your browsing history and temporary internet files, allowing you to be a more confident Internet user and less susceptible to identity theft.

About company

We create software tools that run on desktop PCs, mobile, cloud and in complex corporate networks. Our users range from consumers, SMEs, IT help desks, MSPs and anyone else that ever has had a need to maintain a device. Our software is used and trusted by millions of home and business users and has been installed in every country worldwide.

We’d describe it as a ‘startup culture without the startup bit’. Although we’ve been making software for over ten years the changing world of tech still keeps us on our toes. To stay ahead of the game we work hard, share ideas, ask questions and drink lots of coffee! But most importantly, we think people who feel comfortable at work perform better, which is why you’ll find us wearing jeans and listening to Spotify.


What we offer


Our software is the best of its kind


Every software is build by a command of specialists who love their work


Software is ready to use and have no bugs


Software is totally safe to use


Our software is free to use


Months of tests and developing made our software so good


What we have created


Cleaner page

Clean your PC in two clicks

Disk space

Disk space page

Check your disk available space


FAQ page

Learn how to use Y-Cleaner